Friday, March 12, 2010

Time to say adios to that beach ball I've been wearing...

I owe my friend Angie a HUGE shout out for taking some belly shots for me. She did them just on Wednesday and we were hoping that all the sitting and squatting would put me into labor, guess it didn't work, but I got some cool shots anyways!

Now it's time to say goodbye to this belly of mine. I would have to say I am probably going to miss it. I am going to miss having something to rest my cereal bowl on each morning, miss the excuse it doesn't fit because there is a baby inside me, miss the excuse to wear only sweats all day, miss people looking at me thinking that my belly is cute as opposed to maybe she's pregnant but don't dare to even ask belly, miss it getting in the way of hugs and holding babies?? ok not really that one, but I will miss some of the aspects of having a belly.

What I am most looking forward to other then Ruby, is to lay flat on my stomach! I seriously can't wait. I am tired of trying to sleep on my side and digging wholes in the sand to support me and my belly. It's going to be awesome.


Theresa Rodriguez said...

i decided i liked mine so much i kept it. :)

Tara said...

I love your belly too, but I will love Ruby more!

lauren said...

you are seriously so dang cute, and didnt gain a pound, man my face was a beach ball at that point in my pregnancy!! cant wait for pictures of that baby! good luck with everything!

Stephanie said...

You look great!! I'm so glad you posted these.

Morgan said...

Hey Linds - Congratulations on losing the bump! Its amazing how skinny you feel after losing it, huh? I totally agree about the whole laying on your stomach part too, I can't wait til I'm completely healed so I can enjoy that part again!

glen, paige, & baby preston said...

I love these pictures and your little belly! You looked so cute pregnant! You are gorgeous, and now you have a gorgeous baby girl! I'm so excited for you!